Turner River Rehabilitation Centre

Turner RiverYaandina’s Turner River Rehabilitation Centre is a 24 bed facility that uses the Therapeutic Community (TC) model for treatment and addiction recovery that includes mental and physical healing.

This centre provides a facility in the Pilbara that allows individuals who have successfully completed a detoxification process from drugs and/or alcohol to recover from their addictions. Turner River is certified against the Standards for Therapeutic Communities in a Residential Care setting and also certified against the Standards for Culturally Secure practice.

Under the TC model residents are required to help each other and work. Leisure activities are based on skill development, team work and the community’s wellbeing. Individually tailored care and support plans are developed for each resident and are underpinned by provision of around the clock 24-hour support.

The centre is open 24 hours – 365 days a years and families are able to visit following a settling in period.

Accessing the service

Individuals may refer themselves directly for admission to Turner River, or be referred by one the following:

Turner River (2)

    • GP
    • Case worker
    • Drug & alcohol agency
    • Community Services agency
    • Department of Communities
    • Mental Health
    • Corrections
    • Family member

Enquiries and/or referrals for admission to Turner River should be directed to one of the following:

Email: info.turnerriver@yaandina.org

Email: referrals@yaandina.org

Tel: 08 9182 1172

Once the referral or enquiry has been received , a referral/information pack will be sent out with all the relevant information and paperwork regarding the admissions process and  criteria for further processing.

Pilbara Integrated Drug & Alcohol Service


The primary objective of the Pilbara Integrated Drug & Alcohol Services is to reduce AOD use and related harm to individuals residing in the Pilbara. To enable us to do this
effectively, Yaandina utilises our current expertise, networks and experience to offer drug & alcohol treatment services to individuals and communities. The services provide AOD prevention, education, treatment, rehabilitation and aftercare services primarily for Indigenous Australians.

Services include support and education to communities & individuals with the aim of improving community safety, building wellbeing and resilience, and supporting communities to develop strategies to tackle substance misuse more generally.
This will be delivered through individual AOD Counselling, case management medical support, support groups, activities and programmes that address AOD issues.

Accessing the service

Referrals to the Pilbara Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service can be by Individuals, Family members, agencies or Organisations and is a non-residential care service.


Turner River (3)Yaandina’s detox service offers a residential, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, low medical detox service that provides a safe, calm place for people to take time out from their addictions.

By giving your body a rest from drug and alcohol use, resting and eating healthy food, a person can start to cleanse their body and help it heal.

Yaandina’s detox program also provides education about the available support options and is certified against the Standards for Culturally Secure practice.

Accessing the service

This is the same process as that of accessing Turner River, as set out above

Sobering-up Centre

Sobering Up CentreDesigned to be a harm minimisation strategy for those who are affected by drugs and/or alcohol the Yaandina Sobering Up Centre was developed in response to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (1987 – 1991).

The centre is a safe haven providing 14 beds for community members over the age of 18 years and helps men and women who are intoxicated and are at risk of harm or engaging in antisocial behaviour and is certified against the Standards for Culturally Secure practice.  .

During their time at the centre every client is provided with a comfortable bed, freshly laundered clothes, a nutritious meal and are supervised by on duty staff who monitor their well-being.

While the centre does not supply counselling or medical attention it does act as a referral service for clients and will ensure that medical attention is provided by the Roebourne Hospital located just around the corner, should it be required.

The Sobering-up centre is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day and works in conjunction with the Mingga Patrol.

No referral required to access this service.

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