Residential Aged Care

Aged Care (3) Yaandina’s residential aged care centre seeks to provide an ageing in place centre for local residents who wish to live out their twilight years in familiar surroundings and in close proximity to family and friends.

This new, accredited, state of the art, residential aged care centre was officially opened in 2014. It has 20 beds, with the capacity to offer 12 high dependency beds for ageing in place.

Aged Care (4)Yaandina’s aged care centre also has the capacity to provide 260 meals per days to their residents and the broader community through their commercial kitchen. This combined with the center’s ability to offer respite care to support families so elders do not have to leave the community, allows Yaandina to build capacity across its services for the benefit of the community.

All aged care homes receiving government subsidies need to meet quality standards. These standards are called accreditation standards. They cover areas such as management, staffing, health and personal care, resident lifestyle, living environment, catering, cleaning, continuous improvement, and safety and security.  Yaandina’s residential aged care centre was reaccreditated in August 2019. For detailed information please see link below.

Re-accreditation decision and statement  & Re-accreditation audit report


Accessing the serviceAged Care (2)

To secure a place for your loved one a referral is required. The following steps outline the referral process.

  1. A health professional, HACC coordinator, Aged Care coordinator or Family members would contact Yaandina about the concerns they have for their relative or client.
  2. An ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team) assessment would be done. In consultation with family and health professionals a service or care plan would be designed.
  3. The plan would indicate the correct care provision needed, i.e. in-home services or residential aged care.
  4. The ACAT assessor would advise the appropriate agency and the referral would be made.

Payment Options

Residents can choose to pay for their accommodation by a Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD), a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP), or a combination of both.  A refundable deposit is paid as a lump sum.  A daily payment accrues daily and is paid periodically, usually monthly.

All our rooms are single with private ensuite with a Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) up to a maximum value of $259,500 or a maximum Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) of $50.19.

Please call us on (08) 9182 1172 to discuss your requirements.